Investigations & Inspections

 Occupational Accident Investigations:

All workplace accidents and injuries, regardless of severity, are required to be investigated. We develop and employ a systemic approach in the following Investigative Protocols & Principles and incorporate your existing programs and plans.

1. Incident & Near Miss Investigation Plan

2. Accident & Injury Site/Scene Techniques

3. Root Cause Analysis & Corrective Actions Implementation

4. Documentation & Follow-up

5. Manager and Supervisor Investigation Training

Workplace Inspections, Assessments, & Audits:

Facility and jobsite inspections, assessments, and operational audits are a critical component in maintaining a safe and healthy workplace environment free from recognized hazards. The following are a brief list of tools to empower your safety culture.

1. Facility Inspections- to identify potential hazards

2. Workplace Assessments- intended to drive continuous improvement

3. Hierarchy of Controls- engineering controls to eliminate the hazard

4. Job Hazard Analysis (JHA)- focuses on specific job tasks to identify hazards

5. Near Miss Reporting- focuses on human factors, functions, and behaviors that could lead to an incident

Cal/OSHA Inspections & Involvement:

There are a number of reasons you may have some involvement with Cal/OSHA. They have the authority to visit your work site such as for targeted and programmed inspections. Knowing the circumstances in advance could keep you out of hot water. Here is a brief synopsis.

1. Agency Enforcement- Cal/OSHA shows up at your door

2. Accident Investigation- for a serious/severe accident

3. Anonymous Complaints- filed by employees and neighboring businesses

4. Notice of Violations- citations, fines, and fine abatement

5. Notifications to Cal/OSHA- mandatory accident reporting called into Cal/OSHA